#12 Bardet Biedl Syndrome with The Alms (Part 2)


Be sure to start with Part 1 (Episode #11).

Parents Bonnie and Will Alms share their son's diagnostic odyssey with Bardet Biedl Syndrome. Everett’s condition is a rare genetic disorder.  People may suffer symptoms that include retinal degeneration, obesity, reduced kidney function, extra digits of the hands or feet, as well as many other manifestations.

You can learn more about Everett in this article

Stay tuned for the next new episode of It Happened To Me! In the meantime, you can listen to our previous episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, streaming on the website, or any other podcast player by searching, “It Happened To Me”. 

It Happened To Me is created and hosted by Cathy Gildenhorn and Beth Glassman. Steve Holsonback is our co-producer. DNA Today’s Kira Dineen is our marketing lead and co-producer. Ashlyn Enokian is our graphic designer. 

See what else we are up to on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and our website, ItHappenedToMePod.com. Questions/inquiries can be sent to ItHappenedToMePod@gmail.com. 


#13 Medical Challenges Toolkit with Kimberly Callinan


#11 Bardet Biedl Syndrome with The Alms (Part 1)